Search Results for: climate model

Energy Transition Research

…volatile, with the increasing share of wind. Download the Model? Economic Models Energy economics: an overview? This data-file provides an overview of energy economics, across 175 different economic models constructed…

Hydrocarbon Energy Research

…electrical power from natural gas as an input, while also capturing CO2 from industrial flue gases through an electrochemical process. We model competitive economics. Our model runs of 18 input…

Global average temperatures: are the data robust and reliable?

Global average surface temperatures

…are most economical and also restore nature (note below). Our climate model, including all of the temperature data cited in this report are tabulated in the data-file below.…

The Amazon tipping point theory?

The Amazon tipping point theory

…threshold needed to keep global warming to an estimated 2-degrees (climate model below). Can the tipping point be averted? The solution to Amazon tipping points is technically simple: stop…

Energy transition: distorted by politics?

is energy transition distorted by politics?

…effectively be ignored. This is despite not having any clear expertise in Earth Science or climatology himself. Conversely, our own climate models and conclusions are below. (2) A…

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