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Search results for: โ€œaluminiumโ€

  • Aluminium producers: company screen?

    Aluminium producers: company screen?

    Leading aluminium producers are reviewed in this data-file, across ten companies, producing half of the world’s global output. Scale ranges 1MTpa to 7MTpa. CO2 intensity of primary aluminium production ranges from 3 tons/ton to 17 tons/ton, in aggregate across these companies.

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  • Aluminium production: energy economics?

    Aluminium production: energy economics?

    This data-file captures the energy economics of aluminium production via electrolysis, breaking down the costs line-by-line. The overall process emits 10kg of CO2 per kg of aluminium.ย 10% IRRs are achievable at recent prices of $2.3/kg. But challenges are illustrated for environmental policy.

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  • Power cables: carrying capacity and loss rates?

    Power cables: carrying capacity and loss rates?

    This data-file calculates the power carrying capacity of power cables, plus the resistive losses of power cables. Both are modeled as a function of their voltage, current density, copper and/or aluminium content, resistance and connection type. Underlying data are drawn from data we have tabulated on over 100 conductors, their ratings and costs.

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  • Plastic products: energy and CO2 intensity of plastics?

    Plastic products: energy and CO2 intensity of plastics?

    The energy intensity of plastic products and the CO2 intensity of plastics are built up from first principles in this data-file. Virgin plastic typically embeds 3-4 kg/kg of CO2e. But compared against glass, PET bottles embed 60% less energy and 80% less CO2. Compared against virgin PET, recycled PET embeds 70% less energy and 45%…

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  • Advanced Conductors versus ACSR: costs and companies?

    Advanced Conductors versus ACSR: costs and companies?

    Advanced conductors have 2x higher amperage capacities and temperature limits than standard Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) used in AC transmission lines. This data-file screens Advanced conductors versus ACSR on dimensions such as tensile strength, performance and costs, and also screens leading companies.

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  • Boston Metal: molten oxide electrolysis of steel?

    Boston Metal: molten oxide electrolysis of steel?

    Boston Metal aims to decarbonize steel, using molten oxide electrolysis, absorbing 4MWH/ton of steel. This data-file is a Boston Metal technology review, based on assessing 55 patents across 3 families. We were unable to de-risk the technology. A key challenge is conveying current into the cell, as it operates around 1,600C, which is above the…

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  • Commodity prices: metals, materials and chemicals?

    Commodity prices: metals, materials and chemicals?

    Annual commodity prices are tabulated in this database for 70 materials commodities; covering steel prices, other metal prices, chemicals prices, polymer prices, all with data going back to 2012. 2022 was a record year for commodities. The average material commodity traded 25% above its 10-year average and 60% of all material commodities made ten-year highs.

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  • Electrowinning: costs and energy economics?

    Electrowinning: costs and energy economics?

    Electrowinning costs and energy economics are built up in this data-file. A charge of $900/ton is required to earn a 10% IRR on a $3,000/kTpa plant with a median energy consumption of 2-3 MWH/ton. Although this will vary metal by metal.

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  • Recycling: a global overview of energy savings?

    Recycling: a global overview of energy savings?

    1GTpa of material is recycled globally, across steel, paper, glass, plastics and other metals. On average, 35% of these materials are produced from recycled feeds, saving 70% of the energy and CO2, with upside in the Energy Transition.

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  • Russia: a breakdown of export revenues?

    Russia: a breakdown of export revenues?

    Russia’s total total exports ran at $425bn in 2019, comprising $225bn of oil, $55bn of gas, $50bn of metals, $20bn of coal, $30bn basic materials and $25bn of ag products. 55% of the total goes to Europe. This data-file gives a breakdown for 100 products across 200 countries, to allow for stress-testing.

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