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Search results for: โ€œglassโ€

  • Glass fiber: what upside in the energy transition?

    Glass fiber: what upside in the energy transition?

    Glass fiber makes up 50% of a wind turbine blade, lightens vehicles and insulates homes for 30-70% energy savings. Hence we see demand rising 3.5x in the energy transition. To appraise the opportunity, this 13-page note assesses the market, costs, CO2 intensity and leading companies.

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  • Glass fiber: screen of leading companies?

    Glass fiber: screen of leading companies?

    This data-file aims to provide an overview of the world’s largest glass fiber manufacturers, quantifying their market share, and summarizing their offering. Covered companies include China Jushi, Owens Corning, Saint Gobain-Vetrotrex, Johns Manville and smaller Europeans.

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  • Glass fiber: the economics?

    Glass fiber: the economics?

    This data-file models the economics of producing glass fiber, the key component in fiberglass for wind turbines; but also a light-weight insulating material. Marginal cost is likely $2,000/ton, with a CO2 intensity of 1.5 tons/ton. Some Chinese product is 50% cheaper but 2x more CO2 intensive.

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  • Silver pastes for solar contacts?

    Silver pastes for solar contacts?

    50 companies make conductive silver pastes to form the electrical contacts in solar modules. This data-file tabulates the compositions of silver pastes based on patents, averaging 85% silver, 4% glass frit and 11% organic chemicals. Ten companies stood out, including a Korean small-cap specialist.

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  • Bill of materials: electronic devices and data-centers?

    Bill of materials: electronic devices and data-centers?

    Electronic devices are changing the world, from portable electronics to AI data centers. Hence what materials are used in electronic devices, as percentage of mass, and in kg/kW terms? This data-file tabualates the bill of materials, for different devices, across different studies.

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  • Energy intensity of fiber optic cables?

    Energy intensity of fiber optic cables?

    What is the energy intensity of fiber optic cables? Our best estimate is that moving each GB of internet traffic through the fixed network requires 40Wh/GB of energy, across 20 hops, spanning 800km and requiring an average of 0.05 Wh/GB/km. Generally, long-distance transmission is 1-2 orders of magnitude more energy efficient than short-distance.

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  • Plastic products: energy and CO2 intensity of plastics?

    Plastic products: energy and CO2 intensity of plastics?

    The energy intensity of plastic products and the CO2 intensity of plastics are built up from first principles in this data-file. Virgin plastic typically embeds 3-4 kg/kg of CO2e. But compared against glass, PET bottles embed 60% less energy and 80% less CO2. Compared against virgin PET, recycled PET embeds 70% less energy and 45%…

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  • Recycling: a global overview of energy savings?

    Recycling: a global overview of energy savings?

    1GTpa of material is recycled globally, across steel, paper, glass, plastics and other metals. On average, 35% of these materials are produced from recycled feeds, saving 70% of the energy and CO2, with upside in the Energy Transition.

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  • Silica producers: screen of leading companies?

    Silica producers: screen of leading companies?

    Highly pure silica sand, with well over 95% SiO2 content and less than 0.6% iron oxide, is an important resource used in making glass, metal foundries, “proppant” for hydraulic fracturing in the oil and gas industry and making high-grade silicon (for chips and PV silicon). The market is 350MTpa. This data-file is a screen of…

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  • Metals and materials: strength and temperature resistance?

    Metals and materials: strength and temperature resistance?

    This data-file aggregates information into the strength, temperature resistance, rigidity, costs and CO2 intensities of important metals and materials. These are used in gas turbines, wind turbines, pipelines, CCS, power transmission.

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