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Search results for: โ€œtimberโ€

  • Cross laminated timber: costs and economics?

    Cross laminated timber: costs and economics?

    Cross laminated timber costs $1,200/ton, or $500/m3 pa, in order to derive 10-20% IRRs at a production facility costing $2,000/Tpa in capex. Cost lines include input costs of timber, polyurethane resins, labor, electricity, O&M, and capital costs. This data file is our economic model for mass timber production.

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  • Tigercat: forestry and timber innovations?

    Tigercat: forestry and timber innovations?

    Tigercat is a private company, founded in 1992, headquartered in Ontario, Canada, with c2,000 employees. The company produces specialized machinery for forestry, logging, materials processing and off-road equipment. Our patent review has found a moat around reliable, easy-to-maintain, mobile and efficient forestry equipment.

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  • Carbon negative construction: the case for mass timber?

    Carbon negative construction: the case for mass timber?

    Construction accounts for 10% of global CO2, mainly due to cement and steel. But mass timber could become a dominant new material for the 21st century, lowering emissions 15-80% at no incremental cost. Debatably mass timber is carbon negative if combined with sustainable forestry. We outline the opportunity.

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  • Wood products: typical pricing?

    Wood products: typical pricing?

    This data-file aggregates the pricing of different wood products, as storing carbon in long-lived materials matters amidst the energy transition. It can also add economic value. While upgrading raw timber into high value materials can uplift realized pricing in reforestation projects by 20-60x, which improves the permanence of nature-based CO2 removal credits.

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  • Nature based solutions to climate change?

    Nature based solutions to climate change?

    Nature based solutions are likely to deliver c20-25% of the decarbonization in a realistic roadmap to net zero. Reforestation is low-cost (c$50/ton), technically ready, convenient and helps nature. Key challenges are improving the quality of nature-based CO2 removals and accelerating momentum. We see upside for companies that can clear these hurdles. Our top ten conclusions…

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  • Reforestation: costs of CO2 removals?

    Reforestation: costs of CO2 removals?

    Reforestation costs are modelled in this data-file, acquiring pastureland, planting new forests to absorb CO2, over a 50-year cycle. As a good rule of thumb, we think $50/ton CO2 prices, $50/m3 timber, and 3% pa land appreciation will unlock an 8% unlevered IRR at Yield Class 16 (5 tons of CO2 per acre per year).…

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  • Construction materials: a screen of costs and CO2 intensities?

    Construction materials: a screen of costs and CO2 intensities?

    This data-file calculates the costs, the embedded energy and the embedded CO2 of different construction materials, both during their production and for ongoing heating and cooling. Insulated wood and cross-laminated timber have the lowest CO2 intensities and can be extremely cost competitive.

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  • Energy transition: top commodities?

    Energy transition: top commodities?

    This data-file summarizes our latest thesis on ten commodities with upside in the energy transition. The average one will see demand rise by 3x and price/cost appreciate or re-inflate by 100%. The data-file contains a 6-10 line summary of our work into each commodity.

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  • CO2 Removals: BaumInvest Mixed Reforestation, Costa Rica?

    CO2 Removals: BaumInvest Mixed Reforestation, Costa Rica?

    We have reviewed the BaumInvest Mixed Reforestation Project in Costa Rica, on a framework for de-risking nature-based CO2 removals. As a result, we have purchased 67 tons of CO2 removals from the project, at $45/ton, for a total of $3,015 in July-2022.

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  • Bio-coke: energy economics?

    Bio-coke: energy economics?

    Bio-coke is a substitute for coal-coke in steel-making and other smelting operations. We model it will cost c$450/ton, c50% more than coal-coke, but saves 2 – 2.5 tons/ton of CO2. Abatement costs can be as low as $70/ton. Although not always, and there are comparability issues.

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