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Search results for: โ€œtransmissionโ€

  • Power grids: transmission and distribution kilometers by country?

    Power grids: transmission and distribution kilometers by country?

    This data-file aggregates power transmission and distribution kilometers by country, across 30 key countries, which comprise 80% of global electricity use. In 2023, the world contains 7M circuit kilometers of power transmission lines and 110M kilometers of power distribution lines. Useful rules of thumb are in the data-file.

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  • US gas transmission: by company and by pipeline?

    US gas transmission: by company and by pipeline?

    This data-file aggregates granular data into US gas transmission, by company and by pipeline, for 40 major US gas pipelines which transport 45TCF of gas per annum across 185,000 miles; and for 3,200 compressors at 640 related compressor stations.

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  • Power transmission: the economics?

    Power transmission: the economics?

    This data-file captures the costs of AC power transmission, requiring a 1.5c/kWh spread to earn a 10% levered IRR on a new 100km and 1,000MW transmission line, with capex costs of $1.5/kW-km. These numbers are supported by backup tabs, tabulating the costs of recent projects and a full granular breakdown for the capex costs of…

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  • US electric utilities: leading companies in transmission and distribution?

    US electric utilities: leading companies in transmission and distribution?

    The average US electric utility has 25 GW of generation, 15,000-miles of power transmission, 100,000 miles of distribution, 8M customers, 3.5% dividend yields and 6.5% long-term target growth. We wonder if there is upside on expanding power grids? A dozen companies are in our screen.

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  • Fiber optic data transmission costs?

    Fiber optic data  transmission costs?

    The costs of fiber optic data transmission run at $0.25/TB per 1,000km in order to earn a 10% IRR on constructing a link with $120 per meter capex costs. Capex is 85% of the total cost. This data fiber breaks down the costs of fiber optic data transmission from first principles, across capex, utilization, electricity…

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  • US electric utilities: transmission and distribution costs?

    US electric utilities: transmission and distribution costs?

    This data-file evaluates transmission and distribution costs, averaging 7c/kWh in 2024, based on granular disclosures for 200 regulated US electric utilities, which sell 65% of the US’s total electricity to 110M residential and commercial customers. Costs have doubled since 2005. Which utilities have rising rate bases and efficiently low opex?

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  • Power transmission: inter-connectors smooth solar volatility?

    Power transmission: inter-connectors smooth solar volatility?

    Can large-scale power transmission smooth renewables’ volatility? To answer this question, this horrible 18MB data-file aggregates 20-years of hour-by-hour solar insolation arriving at four cities in the US. The volatility in year-by-year can be halved by a single inter-connector.

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  • HVDC transmission: leading companies?

    HVDC transmission: leading companies?

    The global HVDC market is $10bn pa, and it might typically cost cโ‚ฌ100-600 M to connect a large and remote renewables project to the grid or run a small HVDC inter-connector. This data-file reviews the market leaders in HVDC, based on 5,500 patents. A dozen companies stand out, with c$40bn of combined revenues from power…

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  • HVDC power transmission: the economics?

    HVDC power transmission: the economics?

    This model captures the economics of transporting electricity (e.g., wind and solar), over vast distances, using high voltage direct current power cables (HVDCs). Our base case shows a 3-10c/kWh transportation spread is required to earn a 10% levered IRR on 1,000-mile cable.

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  • High voltage transmission cables: power parameters?

    High voltage transmission cables: power parameters?

    This data-file aggregates technical parameters of ultra high-voltage power lines. The average one transmits 6.5GW, at 800-1,000kV and 4,000 Amps, over a distance of 1,500 km. Every 500 meters, there is a 70m tall tower. The power lines have total mass of 200 tons/km, 2-3% losses per 1,000km and c$3M/mile costs.

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