Search Results for: lithium

Albemarle: lithium, bromine, catalyst improvements?

Albemarle technology review

lithium, 35% from bromine-based flame retardants, and c25% from catalysts, especially for FCC and cleaner-burning fuels. $339.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Overall, our patent screen de-risks the idea that Albemarle…

Battery cathode active materials and manufacturing?

Cathode active materials

…process, which also explains some of the challenges ahead for battery recycling. Cathode manufacturing: ten-stage process? (1) Lithium is sourced as lithium hydroxide or lithium carbonate in the first…

CATL: sodium ion battery breakthrough?

CATL: sodium ion battery

…next-generation lithium extraction technologies. However sodium comprises 2.7% of the Earth’s crust, versus Lithium’s 0.006%. In principle, sodium ion batteries can achieve comparable energy densities than lithium ion batteries, c80-90%…

Amprius: silicon anode technology review?

Amprius silicon anode technology

Amprius is commercializing a lithium-ion battery with a near-100% silicon anode, which has 80% higher energy density than conventional lithium and can achieve 80% charge rates within around 6-minutes. The…

Energy storage: top conclusions into batteries?

Conclusions into batteries

lithium ion batteries are 75-95% efficient. The technology is only getting better, including via power electronics and electric motors. So this is a game changer for light transportation, which becomes…

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