Alterra Energy: technology review?

Alterra Energy technology

…115kbbls of oil fractions (PyOil), chemical feedstocks and waxes. Alterra now aims to license its plastic recycling technology to large international companies, to generate licensing fees and revenues. Plastic pyrolysis…

Vacuum pumps: company screen?

The global market for vacuum pumps is worth $15bn per year, with growing importance for making semiconductors, solar panels and AI chips. This data-file reviews ten leading companies in vacuum…

DAC to the future?

Direct air capture

A new wave of direct air capture (DAC) companies has been emerging rapidly since 2019, targeting 50-90% lower costs and energy penalties than incumbent S-DAC and L-DAC, potentially reaching $100/ton…

MOSFETs: energy use and power loss calculator?

…and MOSFET companies). Hence a better depiction of an N-channel enhancement MOFSET follows below. In the chart above, the N-channel through the P-layer is very long and thin, which is…

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