Origen Carbon: DAC breakthrough?

Origen DAC technology

…alternative approach that avoids introducing air/nitrogen into the combustion process, instead re-circulating exhaust gases, and then adding pure oxygen from an air separation unit or swing adsorption plant. Hence the…

California power generation over time?

California power generation

…not displaced thermal generation, which rose from 28% to 36% of the grid. We even wonder whether wind and solar are entrenching natural gas generators that can backstop their daily,…

Why the Thunder Said?

Perovskite Efficiency Gains

…for >20Mbpd of Permian production, for natural gas to treble, for ‘digital’ to double Oil Major FCF, and for the emergence of new, multi-billion dollar companies and sub-industries amidst the…

Costs of an LNG fuelling station

costs of constructing an LNG-fuelling station

…€1M/site. Effectively, this is a $250/tpa re-gasification plant. Overall, we estimate distributing LNG to road-consumers will add $10/mcf to the costs of gas-fuel. Around 30% of the capex costs are…

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