Search Results for: gas

CO2 intensity of natural gas value chains?

Gas industry CO2 per barrel

gas resources and c10x across LNG resources, compared with c7-10x for oil. This supports the rationale for oil-to-gas switching, as commercialising gas will likely emit 0-80% lower CO2 per boe;…

Flare gas capture: the economics?

flare gas capture

…the gas, cleaning the gas, and compressing the gas into a regional pipeline. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Generally, double-digit returns are achievable at a large new shale pad, by…

Gas dehydration: costs and economics?

Gas dehydration costs

Gas dehydration costs might run to $0.02/mcf, with an energy penalty of 0.03%, to remove around 90% of the water from a wellhead gas stream using a TEG absorption unit,…

The World’s Great Gas Fields and Their CO2

CO2 content of gas fields

The CO2 content of gas fields is going to matter increasingly, for future gas development decisions: CO2 must be lowered to 50ppm before gas can be liquefied, adding cost. Moreover,…

Leading Companies in Pipeline Gas Technology?

leading companies in pipeline gas

…technologies to improve gas distribution, as natural gas demand is set to treble in the most economic route to an energy transition. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Global research into…

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