Search results for: “oxygen”
Cryogenic air separation: costs and energy economics?
This data-file calculates the costs of cryogenic air separation units, which are important in the production of industrial gases, ammonia, metals, materials, medical applications and new energy technologies such as blue hydrogen. Good base cases are $100/ton oxygen, $20/ton nitrogen, $200/Tpa capex and 60kWh/ton of electricity (on an input air basis).
Adiabatic flame temperature: hydrogen, methane and oil products?
At an idealized, 100% stoichiometric ratio, the adiabatic flame temperature for natural gas is 1,960ยบC, hydrogen burns 300ยบC hotter at 2,250ยบC and oil products burn somewhere in between, at around 2,150ยบC. The calculations show why hydrogen cannot always be dropped into an existing turbine or heat engine.
Oxycombustion: economics of zero-carbon gas?
Oxy-combustion is a next-generation power technology, burning fossil fuels in an inert atmosphere of CO2 and oxygen. It is easy to sequester CO2 from its exhaust gases, helping heat and power to decarbonise. We argue that IRRs can be competitive with conventional gas-fired power plants.ย
Bright green hydrogen from biomass gasification?
Woody biomass can be converted into clean hydrogen via gasification. If the resultant CO2 is sequestered, each ton of hydrogen may be associated with -20 tons of CO2 disposal. The economies of hydrogen from biomass gasification require $11/kg-e revenues for a 10% IRR on capex of $3,000/Tpa of biomass, or lower, with CO2 disposal incentives.
Origen Carbon: DAC breakthrough?
Origen Carbon Solutions is developing a novel DAC technology, producing CaO sorbent via the oxy-fuelled calcining of limestone with no net CO2 emissions. It is similar to the NET Power cycle, but adapted for a limestone kiln. The concept is very interesting. Our base case costs are $200-300/ton of CO2. This data-file contains our Origen…
Biodiversity: a breakdown of species and carbon stocks?
550GT of Carbon is stored in the living biomass of 40M species currently inhabiting planet Earth. About 70,000 are vertebrate species and 6,000 are mammal species. What implications for biodiversity, climate change and nature based solutions?
Bloom Energy: solid oxide fuel cell technology?
This data-file reviews Bloom Energy’s solid oxide fuel cell technology. What surprised us most was a candid overview of degradation pathways of solid oxide fuel cells, a focus on improving the longevity of fuel cells, albeit this sometimes seems to be via heavy uses of Rare Earth metals, and increasing complexity. The patents do suggest…
CCS: amine degradation rates?
In post-combustion CCS facilities, amines react with CO2, which can later be re-released via steam-treating, and sent for sequestration. However, CCS plants have amine make-up rates, to replace amines that degrade (chemically, thermally) and evaporate off. This data-file quantifies make-up rates of amines in kg/ton.
Hot potassium carbonate CCS: energy economics?
Hot potassium carbonate is a post-combustion CCS technology that bypasses the degradation issues of amines, and can help to decarbonize power, BECCS and cement plants. We think costs are around $100/ton and energy penalties are 30-50%. Potassium carbonate CCS can be stress-tested in this data-file, across 50 inputs.
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