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Search results for: “teak”

  • CO2 removals: teak plantations, Nicaragua?

    CO2 removals: teak plantations, Nicaragua?

    We reviewed a reforestation initiative, which should absorb 100,000 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, by row-planting teak on former pasture land in Nicaragua. The project scores 70/100 on our five-point framework. But it also illustrates key debates for nature-based CO2 removals.

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  • Biomass accumulation: CO2 fixed by trees and energy crops?

    Biomass accumulation: CO2 fixed by trees and energy crops?

    Different plant species fix 3-30 tons of CO2 per acre per year, as they accumulate biomass at 2-40 tons per hectare per year. The numbers matter for biofuels and for nature-based solutions. Hence this data-file compiles technical data into CO2 and biomass accumulation by plant species and by tree species, in different regions globally.

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  • CO2 removals: CO2OL Panama project?

    CO2 removals: CO2OL Panama project?

    The CO2OL Tropical Mix project has planted 9M trees on 13,000 hectares of degraded pasture land across 45 sites in Panama since 1995. 20-30% of the land is reserved for conservation. The project achieved a relatively high score of 88/100 on our usual assessment framework. CO2 credits are priced at $38/ton. We contributed $1,900 to…

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