Our research finds opportunities in energy technologies and the energy transition, drawing on technical papers, patents, and economic modelling.

We screen new energy technologies with world-changing potential, including:
The Energy Transition. Our work points to a possible economic decarbonization of the entire energy industry by 2050, with a CO2 price that averages $40/ton. Though our current slow ramp of carbon capture development makes achieving net zero very unlikely.
The Ascent of Renewables will deliver an enormous 50,000 TWH of energy by 2050, but this also requires overcoming vast bottlenecks, in metals, materials and power grids.
Fossil fuels retain a role in the decarbonized energy system, but must be the cleanest, most efficient fossil fuels possible, and the remaining CO2 must be captured or offset.
The Ascent of Gas and LNG will see clean-burning natural gas demand rising 1.5x in the energy mix by 2050, including the emergence of decarbonized gas.
Carbon offsets and nature-based solutions will emerge as a vast, $400bn market. They offer low-cost decarbonization and will displace higher-cost alternatives.
The Ascent of Shale. Continued improvements will give shale the capability to produce 25-30Mbpd of oil, at $25-30/bbl break-evens.
The Industry Must Adapt. All of the changes above require incumbent companies to digitize, deflate, improve their use of technology and lower their CO2 intensities.
We Rank Companies’ technical capabilities, to quantify who is leading the field, based on a patent framework to help identify risks and identify companies with an edge.
We use a Monte Carlo approach, to tie together the themes above and forecast energy markets.
Our “Top Technologies in Energy” are ranked here, tying all of our work together. We also screen which public companies and private companies are tied to our thematic insights.