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Losses of long distance power lines

High voltage transmission cables: power parameters?

This data-file aggregates technical parameters of high-voltage power lines,  especially the transmission losses of long distance power lines, including some of the largest and highest-voltage UHV AC and HV DC lines built in the world, which connect disparate regions of China.

The average of these projects transmits 6.5GW, at 800-1,000kV and 4,000 Amps, over a distance of 1,500 km.

Towers. Every 500 meters, there is a 70m tall tower, which weighs 80 tons.

Cables. Each tower supports 2-3 cable bundles, comprising 6-8 sub-conductors. Each of these sub-conductors is a 750mm2 and 2.5 tons/km cable of 40-80 aluminium sub-wires.

The total mass of the power lines is about 200 tons per km (i.e., about 50% lower than the high powered lines in the West).

Line losses are around 2-3% per 1,000km and total project costs are likely below $3M/mile (again, both are plausibly around 50% lower than Western examples today).

Back-up tabs contain calculations around I2R losses, corona losses and reactive power consumption.

Recent Commentary:ย please see our article here. We think long-distanceย  HVDCs are going to be among the most economical options to back-stop renewables, costing 2-3c/kWh per 1,000km, and 2-3% per 1,000km transmission losses of long distance power lines (note here)

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