Energy transition companies?
This database contains a record of every company that has ever been mentioned across Thunder Said Energy’s energy transition research, as a useful reference for TSE’s clients. The database summarizes over 3,000 mentions of 1,400 energy transition companies, their size, focus and a summary of our key conclusions, plus links to further research.
Market concentration by industry in the energy transition?
What is the market concentration by industry in energy, mining, materials, semiconductors, capital goods and other sectors that matter in the energy transition? The top five firms tend to control 45% of their respective markets, yielding a ‘Herfindahl Hirschman Index’ (HHI) of 700.
Biofuel technologies: an overview?
Biofuels are currently displacing 3.5Mboed of oil and gas. But they are not carbon-free, and their weighted average CO2 emissions are only c50% lower. This data-file breaks down the biofuels market across seven key feedstocks, to help identify which opportunities can scale for the lowest costs and CO2, versus others that require further technical progress.
Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?
Vehicles transport people and freight around the world, explaining 70% of global oil demand, 30% of global energy use, 20% of global CO2e emissions. This overview summarizes all of our research into vehicles, and key conclusions for the energy transition.
Carbon capture and storage: research conclusions?
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) prevents CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Options include the amine process, blue hydrogen, novel combustion technologies and cutting edge sorbents and membranes. Total CCS costs range from $80-130/ton, while blue value chains seem to be accelerating rapidly in the US. This article summarizes the top conclusions from our carbon capture…
US nuclear generation by company?
US nuclear generation of 800 TWH pa has come from 94 reactors, at 65 nuclear plants, owned by c50 companies, with 102 GW of current capacity. This data-file breaks down the industry by plant and by owner/operator, and assesses the restart potential of shuttered nuclear plants.
Perovskite solar companies screen?
This data-file is a screen of 20 perovskite solar companies, which are producing perovskite or perovskite-tandem modules at MW-GW scale, testing perovskite cells at lab scale with a view to future manufacturing, or early- or venture-stage companies that are developing new perovskite solar technologies. Perovskites are a class of materials with the structure ABX3, exceptionally…
AI: industrial applications by company?
This data-file tabulates industrial companies deploying AI, based on their patent filings. 200 leading industrial companies have filed 40,000 AI/ML-related patents in 2022-24, with 65% now developing their own AIs in house. Examples are summarized. We will continue adding to and expanding this data-file over time.
AI and sensors: case studies and examples?
The global sensor market is worth $230bn pa and likely accelerates due to the rise of AI. This data file has compiled 15-20 examples of AI systems integrating sensor data, as patented by industrial companies in 2024, to estimate what types of sensors, will be used in which contexts, and whether AI demand will surprise…
Uranium enrichment: by country, by company, by facility?
Global uranium enrichment by country, by company and by facility are estimated in this data-file, covering the 155M lbs pa uranium market. The data-file includes a build-up of enrichment facilities (ranked by SWU capacity), notes on each enrichment company and an attempt to map the world’s uranium production to where it is enriched and ultimately…
Content by Category
- Batteries (84)
- Biofuels (42)
- Carbon Intensity (49)
- CCS (63)
- CO2 Removals (9)
- Coal (36)
- Company Diligence (86)
- Data Models (792)
- Decarbonization (156)
- Demand (104)
- Digital (50)
- Downstream (44)
- Economic Model (194)
- Energy Efficiency (75)
- Hydrogen (63)
- Industry Data (261)
- LNG (48)
- Materials (78)
- Metals (69)
- Midstream (43)
- Natural Gas (144)
- Nature (75)
- Nuclear (22)
- Oil (161)
- Patents (38)
- Plastics (43)
- Power Grids (118)
- Renewables (147)
- Screen (107)
- Semiconductors (30)
- Shale (50)
- Solar (67)
- Supply-Demand (45)
- Vehicles (88)
- Wind (40)
- Written Research (335)
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