Search Results for: "fuel cells" "fuel cell"

Bloom Energy: solid oxide fuel cell technology?

Bloom Energy fuel cell technology

…electrons to complete the electrical circuit, then reacts with oxide ions. What materials are used in solid oxide fuel cells? Electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells tend to involve stabilized…

Fuel Cell Patents: twenty years of progress?

Fuel Cell Patents

…in upon Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells, tabulating 120 patents into this reactor design, including descriptions of each patent and a categorization by company. An overview of different fuel cell types…

Fuel Cell Power Project Economics

fuel cell power project economics

This data-file models the economics of constructing a new fuel-cell power plant; generating electricity from grey, blue or green hydrogen in a PEMFC, or from natural gas in an SOFC….

Solid oxide fuel cells: what challenges?

Solid oxide fuel cells technical challenges from patents

This data-file reviews fifty patents into solid oxide fuel cells, filed by leading companies in the space in 2020, in order to understand the key challenges the industry is striving…

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