This data-file tabulates over 20 next-generation subsea robots, being pioneered around the industry. Each one is described and categorized, including by technical readiness.
These electric solutions could be very material for offshore economics, improving oilfield decline rates and maintenance costs. Innovations include:
- Residing subsea for c1-year at a time, by re-charging in subsea “docking” stations. This provides greater availability for lower cost.
- Increasing autonomy means these robots can be free-swimming, as a communications tether is no longer necessary, improving ranges.
- More intervention work will be conducted, rather than just inspections.
8 of the concepts in our database have all three of these capabilities above. They are at TRLs 5-6, and should be commercially ready in the early 2020s.
The leading companies are tabulated in the data-file, by Major and Service firm (chart below).

These solutions can save c$0.5-1/boe for a typical offshore oilfield, we estimate: performing inspection tasks 2-6x faster than incumbents, as well as halving costs and eliminating the weather-dependency associated with launching-recovering traditional ROVs. For full details, please download the data-file.