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Search results for: โ€œcopperโ€

  • Copper: the economics?

    Copper: the economics?

    The economic cost of copper production is build up from first princples in this model, from mine, to concentrator, to smelter to 99.99% pure copper cathodes. Our base case is $7.5/kg copper cathode, with 4 tons/ton CO2 intensity, after starting from an 0.57% ore grade. Numbers vary sharply and can be stress-tested in the data-file.

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  • Copper: global demand forecasts?

    Copper: global demand forecasts?

    This data-file estimates global copper demand as part of the energy transition, rising from 28MTpa in 2022 to 70MTpa in our base case scenario. The largest contributor is the electrification of transport. You can stress test half-a-dozen key input variables in the model.

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  • Copper companies: a screen of leading producers?

    Copper companies: a screen of leading producers?

    This data-file is a screen of the world’s largest copper miners and producers, covering 16 companies that produce half of all global output. The average company produces around 0.8MTpa, has a 30-year reserve life, and derives 30% of its EBITDA from copper.

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  • Jetti Resources: copper leaching breakthrough?

    Jetti Resources: copper leaching breakthrough?

    Jetti Resources has developed a breakthrough technology to recover copper from low-grade sulfide ores, by leaching with sulphuric acid, thiocarbonyls, ferric iron (III) sulphates and oxidizing bacteria. The patents lock up the technology, with detailed experimental data. But what are the costs of copper production, what CO2 intensity and what technical challenges remain?

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  • Aurubis: copper recycling breakthrough?

    Aurubis: copper recycling breakthrough?

    Aurubis produces copper products from 1MTpa of recycled materials and 2.25MTpa of concetrates. Energy use and CO2 emissions are two-thirds lower than primary copper production. Our technology review finds a partial moat.

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  • Power cables: carrying capacity and loss rates?

    Power cables: carrying capacity and loss rates?

    This data-file calculates the power carrying capacity of power cables, plus the resistive losses of power cables. Both are modeled as a function of their voltage, current density, copper and/or aluminium content, resistance and connection type. Underlying data are drawn from data we have tabulated on over 100 conductors, their ratings and costs.

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  • Bioleaching: case studies and examples?

    Bioleaching: case studies and examples?

    Bioleaching uses bacteria to metabolize insoluble sulfides and iron complexes. It produces 20% of the world’s copper; with 50% lower capex, at least 50% less CO2 and up to 80-90% recoveries; but it is currently limited to specific mineralogies. A prospect for the 2020s is that new technologies may unlock more minerals.

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  • Recycling: a global overview of energy savings?

    Recycling: a global overview of energy savings?

    1GTpa of material is recycled globally, across steel, paper, glass, plastics and other metals. On average, 35% of these materials are produced from recycled feeds, saving 70% of the energy and CO2, with upside in the Energy Transition.

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  • Photons vs electrons: laser quest?

    Photons vs electrons: laser quest?

    Some commentators say the 21st century will be the โ€˜age of the electronโ€™. But in computing/communications, the photon has long been displacing the electron. This 17-page note gives an overview. It matters as moving data is 50-90% of data center energy use. We contrast fiber vs copper; and explore AI power, optical computing, and a…

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  • Bill of materials: electronic devices and data-centers?

    Bill of materials: electronic devices and data-centers?

    Electronic devices are changing the world, from portable electronics to AI data centers. Hence what materials are used in electronic devices, as percentage of mass, and in kg/kW terms? This data-file tabualates the bill of materials, for different devices, across different studies.

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