Sugar to ethanol: the economics?
…is ethanol from corn, especially at US ethanol plants; while around one-third is ethanol from sugar, especially in Brazil and elsewhere in the emerging world. Our base case scenario assumes…
…is ethanol from corn, especially at US ethanol plants; while around one-third is ethanol from sugar, especially in Brazil and elsewhere in the emerging world. Our base case scenario assumes…
…case costs for generating a 10% IRR on a new sugar-to-ethanol production facility require ethanol prices of $1.5/gallon, which is c5% lower than for corn ethanol. Numbers are explained on…
…our recent research. Hence how could new technologies fix the economics and carbon credentials of corn-based ethanol? Our constructive outlook on ethanol + CCS is presented on pages 4-6. Ethanol…
This data-file tabulates the CO2 emissions from US ethanol plants, which produce around 1Mbpd of liquid fuels, giving an average CO2 intensity of ethanol of 85kg/boe. $599.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to…
30M acres of US croplands are used to grow corn for ethanol. Each acre prevents 2-3 tons of CO2 emissions per annum, for a CO2 abatement cost of $200/ton. However,…
…suggest a price of $1.6/gallon of ethanol is needed for a 10% IRR on a new greenfield plant, equivalent to $2.4/gallon gasoline. This is higher than 2020 ethanol pricing, which…
…bagasse. Crushing facilities create value from sugar, sugar-to-ethanol and cogenerated power. This 11-page note argues that more volatile electricity prices could halve ethanol costs or raise cash margins by 2-4x….
Could new technologies reinvigorate corn-based ethanol? This 12-page note assesses three options. We are constructive on combining CCS or CO2-EOR with an ethanol plant, which yields a carbon-negative fuel. But…
This data-file captures the economics of producing bio-ethylene by dehydration of ethanol, backed up by half-a-dozen technical papers. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart We estimate an ethylene price of $1,600/Tpa…
30M acres of US croplands are used to grow corn for ethanol. Each acre prevents 2-3 tons of CO2 emissions per annum, for a CO2 abatement cost of $200/ton. However,…