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the research consultancy for energy technologies


  • Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

    Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

    Vehicles transport people and freight around the world, explaining 70% of global oil demand, 30% of global energy use, 20% of global CO2e emissions. This overview summarizes all of our research into vehicles, and key conclusions for the energy transition.

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  • Battery swapping: off to the races?

    Battery swapping: off to the races?

    Battery swapping has seen a sudden surge of interest, especially for cars in China, some heavy vehicles, and two-wheelers throughout emerging markets. Can the theme re-accelerate EVs? This 19-page report finds many advantages, controversies over costs, and profiles leading companies.

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  • Battery swapping: leading companies?

    Battery swapping: leading companies?

    Leading companies in battery swapping are covered in this data-file, with the dozen largest companies operating around 25,000 stations by the end of 2024 (80% for 2-3 wheelers, 20% for cars or larger vehicles). Rapid expansion is guided. CATL says swap stations could meet the needs of one-third of electric vehicles by 2030. This data-file…

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  • eHighways: trucking by wire?

    eHighways: trucking by wire?

    eHighways electrify heavy trucks via overhead catenary wires. They have been de-risked by half-a-dozen real-world pilots. High-utilization routes can support 10% IRRs on both road infrastructure and hybrid trucks. This 15-page report finds benefits in logistics networks and for integrating renewables?

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  • eHighway economics: costs of electrifying heavy trucks?

    eHighway economics: costs of electrifying heavy trucks?

    eHighways present an opportunity to electrify heavy trucking, by conveying medium voltage power via overhead steel catenary lines, through a pantograph, to an electric or hybrid-electric truck. This data-file captures the economics of eHighways, covering capex costs, returns and sensitivities, both for road operators and truck operators. The CO2 intensity of trucking can be reduced…

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  • EV incentives: vehicle taxes by country?

    EV incentives: vehicle taxes by country?

    Vehicle taxes by country are tabulated in this data-file, based on vehicles’ pre-tax prices, tailpipe emissions, weight, engine size and power. They range from sub-10% of the cost of the underlying vehicle in the US, through to 150% in Norway, and above 100% in Netherlands, Denmark and France. What implications for EV adoption?

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  • Mapping vehicle value chains?

    Mapping vehicle value chains?

    Who is impacted if vehicle sales, EVs or ICE volumes surprise? Autos are a $2.7 trn pa global market, a vast 2.5% of global GDP. 15% is gross margin for OEMs. The other 85% is spread across metals, materials and capital goods. Hence this 14-page note highlights 200 companies from our database of 1,500 companies.…

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  • Global vehicle sales by manufacturer?

    Global vehicle sales by manufacturer?

    Global vehicle sales by manufacturer are broken down in this screen. 20 companies produce 85% of the world’s vehicles, led by Toyota, VW, Stellantis, GM and Ford. The data-file contains key numbers and notes on each company, including each company’s sales of BEVs, PHEVs, general EV strategy, and how it has been evolving in 2024.

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  • Going platinum: PGMs in energy transition?

    Going platinum: PGMs in energy transition?

    Could PGMs experience another up-cycle through 2030, on more muted EV sales growth in 2025-30, and rising catalyst loadings per ICE vehicle? This 16-page note explores global supply chains for platinum and palladium, the long-term demand drivers for PGMs in energy transition, and profiles leading PGM producers.

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  • Vehicle emissions of CO, NOx and HCs?

    Vehicle emissions of CO, NOx and HCs?

    There has been a remarkable reduction in the negative air quality impacts of combustion vehicles since 1970, as quantified in this data-file and over time. Vehicle emissions of CO, NOx and HCs have all fallen by 20-60x over the past 50-years, to 5 grams/mile, 0.2 grams/mile and 0.3 grams per mile, respectively. This data-file quantifies…

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