Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?
Vehicles transport people and freight around the world, explaining 70% of global oil demand, 30% of global energy use, 20% of global CO2e emissions. This overview summarizes all of our research into vehicles, and key conclusions for the energy transition.
Battery swapping: off to the races?
Battery swapping has seen a sudden surge of interest, especially for cars in China, some heavy vehicles, and two-wheelers throughout emerging markets. Can the theme re-accelerate EVs? This 19-page report finds many advantages, controversies over costs, and profiles leading companies.
Battery swapping: leading companies?
Leading companies in battery swapping are covered in this data-file, with the dozen largest companies operating around 25,000 stations by the end of 2024 (80% for 2-3 wheelers, 20% for cars or larger vehicles). Rapid expansion is guided. CATL says swap stations could meet the needs of one-third of electric vehicles by 2030. This data-file…
eHighways: trucking by wire?
eHighways electrify heavy trucks via overhead catenary wires. They have been de-risked by half-a-dozen real-world pilots. High-utilization routes can support 10% IRRs on both road infrastructure and hybrid trucks. This 15-page report finds benefits in logistics networks and for integrating renewables?
eHighway economics: costs of electrifying heavy trucks?
eHighways present an opportunity to electrify heavy trucking, by conveying medium voltage power via overhead steel catenary lines, through a pantograph, to an electric or hybrid-electric truck. This data-file captures the economics of eHighways, covering capex costs, returns and sensitivities, both for road operators and truck operators. The CO2 intensity of trucking can be reduced…
EV incentives: vehicle taxes by country?
Vehicle taxes by country are tabulated in this data-file, based on vehicles’ pre-tax prices, tailpipe emissions, weight, engine size and power. They range from sub-10% of the cost of the underlying vehicle in the US, through to 150% in Norway, and above 100% in Netherlands, Denmark and France. What implications for EV adoption?
Mapping vehicle value chains?
Who is impacted if vehicle sales, EVs or ICE volumes surprise? Autos are a $2.7 trn pa global market, a vast 2.5% of global GDP. 15% is gross margin for OEMs. The other 85% is spread across metals, materials and capital goods. Hence this 14-page note highlights 200 companies from our database of 1,500 companies.…
Global vehicle sales by manufacturer?
Global vehicle sales by manufacturer are broken down in this screen. 20 companies produce 85% of the world’s vehicles, led by Toyota, VW, Stellantis, GM and Ford. The data-file contains key numbers and notes on each company, including each company’s sales of BEVs, PHEVs, general EV strategy, and how it has been evolving in 2024.
Vehicle emissions of CO, NOx and HCs?
There has been a remarkable reduction in the negative air quality impacts of combustion vehicles since 1970, as quantified in this data-file and over time. Vehicle emissions of CO, NOx and HCs have all fallen by 20-60x over the past 50-years, to 5 grams/mile, 0.2 grams/mile and 0.3 grams per mile, respectively. This data-file quantifies…
Content by Category
- Batteries (85)
- Biofuels (42)
- Carbon Intensity (49)
- CCS (63)
- CO2 Removals (9)
- Coal (38)
- Company Diligence (87)
- Data Models (805)
- Decarbonization (156)
- Demand (106)
- Digital (51)
- Downstream (44)
- Economic Model (196)
- Energy Efficiency (75)
- Hydrogen (63)
- Industry Data (269)
- LNG (48)
- Materials (79)
- Metals (70)
- Midstream (43)
- Natural Gas (145)
- Nature (75)
- Nuclear (22)
- Oil (162)
- Patents (38)
- Plastics (44)
- Power Grids (119)
- Renewables (149)
- Screen (109)
- Semiconductors (30)
- Shale (51)
- Solar (67)
- Supply-Demand (45)
- Vehicles (90)
- Wind (43)
- Written Research (341)