eHighways: trucking by wire?

eHighways electrify heavy trucks via overhead catenary wires. They have been de-risked by half-a-dozen real-world pilots. High-utilization routes can support 10% IRRs on both road infrastructure and hybrid trucks. This 15-page report finds benefits in logistics networks, especially around ports, and hidden opportunities around integrating renewables?

Heavy trucks comprise 2% of global useful energy, via the c30-40% efficient combustion of 10Mbpd of oil products, emitting 1.4GTpa of CO2, which in turn is 2.5% of total global CO2 emissions. We have struggled in the past to get excited by decarbonized truck technologies while there has been most momentum behind LNG trucks in China (key numbers behind these themes are re-capped on pages 2-4).

eHighways are an alternative, providing electricity to the drive train of hybrid-electric trucks, through overhead catenary lines, via a pantograph. How eHighways work, what they cost, and results from past pilot projects, are described on pages 5-7.

eHighway economics seem favorable for truck operators, based on our capex build-up, and IRR calculations, discussed on pages 8-9.

This should garner attention across companies in ports, logistics, freight, mining and materials. There is also a fascinating read-across for integrating renewables, load-shifting and even providing synthetic inertia to grids, per pages 9-10.

eHighway economics for infrastructure investors, who actually build the eHighways, are more challenging however, and the key variable is utilization of the route. Scaling challenges, and other challenges with eHighways, are on pages 11-13.

Conclusions about eHighways, who benefits, exposed companies, links with rising global electricity demand, and changes to our oil demand forecasts are discussed on pages 14-15.

Finally, if eHighways did gain traction, it would compound the ongoing boom in grids, from transformers, to power generation, to T&D themes, and grid construction.

Photons vs electrons: laser quest?

Some commentators say the 21st century will be the โ€˜age of the electronโ€™. But in computing/communications, the photon has long been displacing the electron. This 17-page note gives an overview. It matters as moving data is 50-90% of data center energy use. We contrast fiber vs copper; and explore AI power, optical computing, and a boom for laser photonics?!

Information travels through fiber optic cables via laser pulses (photons) and through copper cables via electrical pulses (waves of excitation between electrons). Competition is intensifying.

Since 1977, when the world’s first fiber-optic cable was installed, photons have been displacing electrons in long-distance data transmission. Today, fiber is displacing copper cables for the rack-to-rack links within data-centers. And in the future, could GPUs even shift towards optical computing? (i.e. photons over electrons, once again).

The purpose of this 17-page note is to understand the growing competition here – fiber vs copper, photons vs electrons – going all the way back to first principles, as a concise overview for decision-makers.

Particle physics. Electrons are fermions. Photons are bosons. What this means and why it matters is covered on page 2.

Laser photons, in particular, have unique properties (coherent, monochromatic, unidirectional) and applications, as covered on page 3.

How do lasers work? The theory, functioning and an overview of the $20bn pa global laser market are discussed on pages 4-5.

How do fiber optic cables work, what do they cost, and why is it so much more efficient to move laser photons in cables than moving electricity or gas molecules? Answers are re-capped on pages 6-7.

How much energy is needed to move laser photons through fiber, versus moving electrons through copper? Attenuation rates, decibels and real-world fiber energy consumption are covered on pages 8-10.

Fiber vs copper are compared on energy consumption, bitrates, bandwidth-distance and costs on pages 11-13.

Optical computing is the proposal of using photons for data-processing as well as for data-transmission. Fascinating results from recent technical papers are summarised on page 14.

Implications are discussed for the energy demands of AI on page 15, and for long-term global copper consumption on page 16.

Leading companies in laser photonics and fiber are briefly discussed, including three stand-out US pure-plays, on page 17.

Load bearing: will solar+gas be cheaper than gas alone?

The costs to power a real-world load โ€“ e.g., a data center โ€“ with solar+gas will often be higher than via a standalone gas CCGT in the US today. But not internationally? Or in the future? This 9-page note shows how solar deflation and load shifting can boost solar to >40% of future grids.

Solar deflation has been amazing. The costs of utility-scale projects have fallen by 75% in the past decade, via rising module efficiency and manufacturing scale, and we see costs falling to $400/kW and 1-3c/kWh in the future (per pages 2-3).

However the LCOEs quoted above are only on a partial electricity basis, assuming an idealized offtaker that happens to consume power, always and only when a utility-scale solar project happens to generate, which in turn features hour-by-hour volatility, day-by-day volatility, season-by-season volatility and even year by year volatility.

System costs depend on the system, which can have different load requirements and ability to load shift, ranging from from loads at, say, data centers to e-LNG plants.

The LCOEs for energizing a 100MW round-the-clock load, with 70% gas and 30% solar (i.e., solar+gas) are compared and contrasted with a standalone CCGT, in the case study on pages 4-5.

The LCOEs for energizing a more flexible load, with 60% gas and 40% solar (solar+gas) are compared and contrasted with a standalone CCGT, in the case study on pages 6-7.

The numbers depend on gas prices and solar capex, and vary interestingly in different geographies and contexts.

The “optimal” share of solar to meet real-world loads are discussed on page 8. And maybe in the future, there will be demand sources that scale up in the energy system that really are designed to absorb all and only solar output profiles, per our sci-fi fantasies here.

Our long-term forecasts for global electricity and global useful energy see both solar and gas gaining share, due to the economics above.

LNG plant compressors: chilling goes electric?

Cost build-up of LNG refrigeration via gas drive, CCGT electric drive, and renewable electric drive.

Electric motors were selected, in lieu of industry-standard gas turbines, to power the main refrigeration compressors at three of the four new LNG projects that took FID in 2024. Hence is a major change underway in the LNG industry? This 13-page report covers the costs of e-LNG, advantages and challenges, and who benefits from shifting capex.

Energy transition: solar and gas -vs- coal hard reality?

This 15-page note outlines the largest changes to our long-term energy forecasts in five years. Over this time, we have consistently underestimated both coal and solar. Both are upgraded. But we also show how coal can peak after 2030. Global gas is seen rising from 400bcfd in 2023 to 600bcfd in 2050.

Ten Themes for Energy in 2025?

This 11-page report sets out our top ten predictions for 2025, across energy, industrials and climate. Sentiment is shifting. New narratives are emerging for what energy transition is. 2025-30 energy markets look well supplied. The value is in regional arbitrage, volatility, grids, AI and solar.

Kardashev scale: a futuristic future of energy?

Possible uses of basically free solar energy.

A Kardashev scale civilization uses all the energy it has available. Hence this 16-page report explores ten futuristic uses for global energy, which could absorb an additional 50,000 TWH pa by 2050 (60% upside), mainly from solar. And does this leap in human progress also allay climate concerns better than pre-existing roadmaps to net zero?

Cool concept: absorption chillers, data-centers, fuel cells?!

Working principle of absorption chillers

Absorption chillers perform the thermodynamic alchemy of converting waste heat into coolness. Interestingly, their use with solid oxide fuel cells may have some of the lowest costs and CO2 for powering and cooling AI data-centers. This 14-page report explores the opportunity, costs and challenges.

Grid-forming inverters: islands in the sun?

The grid-forming inverter market may soon inflect from $1bn to $15-20bn pa, to underpin most grid-scale batteries, and 20-40% of incremental solar and wind. This 11-page report finds that grid-forming inverters cost c$100/kW more than grid-following inverters, which is inflationary, but integrate more renewables, raise resiliency and efficiency?

Energy transition: losing faith?

Global CO2 equivalent emissions by source projected up to 2050

What if achieving Net Zero by 2050 and/or reaching 1.5ยบC climate targets now has a <3% chance of success, for reasons that cause decision-makers to backtrack, and instead focus on climate adaptation and broader competitiveness? This 14-page report reviews the challenges. Can our Roadmap to Net Zero be salvaged?

Copyright: Thunder Said Energy, 2019-2025.