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BaumInvest Mixed Reforestation Review

CO2 Removals: BaumInvest Mixed Reforestation, Costa Rica?

This BaumInvest Mixed Reforestation review is the first report in a new series evaluating nature-based CO2 removal projects, to assess whether they are real, incremental, measurable, permanent and bio-diverse, using a quantitative, apples-to-apples framework. Over time, we will use this framework to inform our own CO2 offsetting, and hope it is helpful for an increasing number of clients who are looking to do the same.

In this data-file, we have assessed the BaumInvest Mixed Reforestation Project in Costa Rica (Gold Standard overview here), on our 100-point review framework.

The project is generating 5kTpa of CO2 removal credits, after reforesting former over 800 hectares of pasture-land in Costa Rica in 2007-2012, with semi-wild plantations, comprising 40 combinations of 17 tree species. We think 75% of c75 sub-plots comprise 3-species, c20% comprise mono-cultures and another 25% of the project area is natural forest.

The project achieved a score of 82/100 on our framework. It scored weakest on permanence (12/20) as timber will periodically be harvested from the plot, albeit using continuous cover forestry practices, and enabling slower-growing species to mature as part of the land’s long-term re-forestation. The project scored highly for being incremental (20/20), real (17/20), measurable (17/20) and bio-diverse (16/20).

As a result, we have purchased 67 tons of CO2 removals from the project, at $45/ton, for a total consideration of $3,015 in July-2022. Details are in the short data-file below.

To read more about our thoughts on the BaumInvest project, please see our article here. To find out how they nature-based CO2 removals are re-shaping the energy transition, please see our article here.

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