Finnish forests: trees, yields, costs, value?

This data-base aggregates interesting numbers from the Natural Resources Institute of Finland, which is effectively a ‘gold standard’ for forestry data.

It spans across a national industry that produces 75 mmcm of wood per year, while having also accumulated 1bn tons of biomass over the past century. The industry generates €20bn per annum in value while supporting 60,000 jobs.

A good rule of thumb is that a Finnish forest will accumulate around 5 m3 of biomass per year, mainly pine and spruce, worth around €60/m3 (gross), while the costs of forestry are around €20/hectare/year and the costs of harvesting are around €20/m3.

Splits are also given in later tabs of the data-file between pines, spruce, birch, other species, saw wood, pulp wood and thinnings.

Copyright: Thunder Said Energy, 2019-2024.