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Costs of mangrove restoration

Mangrove restoration: what costs for carbon offsets?

This data-file calculates the economics of carbon-offsetting via mangrove restoration projects, including a full breakdown of costs. This matters as mangroves are a crucial blue carbon eco-system.

In the US, we estimate a $130/ton CO2 price is required for a 10% IRR, of which c30% is the cost of labor (to plant seedlings at $15/hour) and c30% is land leasing.

In the emerging world, a $15-35/ton CO2 price suffices for a c 10% IRR. The lower costs may be an argument for developed world countries to partner with emerging world countries to promote cost-effective carbon sequestration.

Finally, if the projects are viewed as a charitable undertaking simply required to break even (while restoring nature, offsetting CO2 and lifting local people out of poverty), then the best projects in the emerging world can have a CO2 cost as low as $3/ton.

Please download the data-file to stress-test the inputs and assumptions.

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