LNG plant footprints: compaction costs?
This data file tabulates the acreage footprints of c20 recent LNG projects. FLNG is 20x more compact than a comparable onshore plant, which may elevate costs. To benefit from compactness, we see more potential in novel “liquefaction” technologies.
Heavy truck costs: diesel, gas, electric or hydrogen?
Heavy truck costs are estimated at $0.14 per ton-kilometer, for a truck typically carrying 15 tons of load and traversing over 150,000 miles per annum. Today these trucks consume 10Mbpd of diesel and their costs absorb 4% of post-tax incomes. Electric trucks would be 20-50% most costly, and hydrogen trucks would be 45-75% more, which…
Shell: the future of LNG plants?
Shell is revolutionizing LNG project design, based on reviewing 40 of the company’s gas-focused patents from 2019. The innovations can lower LNG facilities’ capex by 70% and opex by 50%; conferring a $4bn NPV and 4% IRR advantage over industry standard greenfields. Smaller-scale LNG, modular LNG and highly digitized facilities are particularly abetted. This note…
Long-Term LNG Demand: technology-led?
This is a simple model of long-term LNG demand, extrapolating out sensible estimates for the world’s leading LNG-consumers. On top of this, we overlay the upside from two nascent technology areas, which could add 200MTpa of potential upside to the market. Backup workings are included.
Small-Scale LNG liquefaction Costs: New Opportunities?
Small-scale LNG technologies can be economic at $10/mcf, generating 15% pre-tax IRRs, off $3/mcf input gas. This data-file tabulates the line-by-line costs of typical small-scale LNG technologies (SMRs, N2 expansion). Against this baseline, we model a more cutting-edge technology, which preserves strong economics at c25x smaller scale.
LNG in transport: scaling up by scaling down?
Next-generation technology in small-scale LNG has potential to reshape the global shipping-fuels industry. Especially after IMO 2020 sulphur regulations, LNG should compete with diesel. This note outlines the technologies, economics and opportunities for LNG as a transport fuel.
LNG as a Shipping Fuel: the Economics
This data-file provides line-by-line cost estimates for LNG as a shipping fuel, for trucked LNG, small-scale LNG and bunkered LNG. After IMO 2020 regulations buoy diesel pricing, it should be economical to fuel newbuild ships with small-scale LNG; and in the US it should be economical to convert pre-existing ships to LNG.Â
Fast-charge the electric vehicles with gas?
There is upside for natural gas, as EV penetration rises: we model that gas turbines can economically power fast-chargers for 13c/kWh. Carbon emissions are lowered by c70% compared with oil. And the grid is spared from power demand surges. Download our data-file to stress-test the sensitivities.
Costs of an LNG fuelling station
We have tabulated the costs of constructing an LNG-fuelling station across 55 cost lines, totalling €1M/site. c$10/mcf may be added to the cost of gas as a fuel.
Maintenance costs for gas-powered trucks?
Maintenance costs are tabulated by category, for a fleet of compressed natural gas (CNG) trucks, travelling 16M miles across the United States.
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