STATCOMs and SVCs: leading companies?

leading companies in STATCOMs and SVCs

…similar. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart We have aimed to evaluate the leading companies in these evolving FACTS opportunities, stabilizing the voltage and reactive power of renewables, especially wind projects….

Air conditioning: energy demand sensitivity?

Air conditioning energy demand

…heat detracts from the output capacity of solar, wind, gas plants, nuclear plants, power lines. Hence we have previously noted how “hell is a hot still summer’s day” if you…

Nostromo: thermal energy storage breakthrough?

Nostromo technology review

…with AC, to store coolness (e.g., during peak wind/solar generation), then re-release the coolness at ‘peakload’, (e.g., in mid-late afternoon, or after sunset). $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart The flagship…

Prysmian: power cable technology breakthroughs?

Prysmian power cable technology

…network solutions, 13% project work, 12% telecoms). The company has inter-connected 35 large wind farms in the past decade and run 30 inter-connectors. After reviewing recent patent filings, we conclude…

Crop production: what CO2 intensity?

CO2 intensity of crop production

…than all wind and solar energy in 2021 combined). $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart The CO2 intensity of producing corn averages 0.23 tons/ton, or 75kg/boe. This is relatively low, compared…

Powin: grid-scale battery breakthrough?

Powin technology review

…of wind. The chart below captures 30 deployments of Powin battery systems. They range from 1 – 90 MW. These deployments have been growing more frequent, and larger. Interestingly, some…

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