Nature-based CO2 removals: a summary?

Overview of nature-based CO2 removal

…as CCS and DAC projects? Statistical distributions are also explored in this data-file, as there are clearly going to be ‘uncertainties’ in natural remediation projects: both implementing the projects over…

One hundred years of carbon offsetting?

CO2 uptake per century

…project. Total CCS or DAC costs will likely range from $70-200/ton, which is generally higher than nature based solutions. Simple reforestation comes next, expected to sequester 200 tons of…

CO2 concentrations in industrial exhaust streams?

CO2 concentrations in industrial exhaust streams

…of magnitude). This is one of the challenges for DAC. Most promisingly, some CO2 is already purely concentrated (e.g., after pre-treating natural gas before LNG liquefaction; or after separating out…

Commercial aviation: fuel economy of planes?

…fuel (upgraded renewable diesel). The lowest cost and most practical option is to offset the CO2 emissions of continued jet fuel consumption with high-quality nature-based solutions, or even next-gen DAC….

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