Commodity prices: metals, materials and chemicals?

…Propylene prices, Propylene Oxide prices, PTFE prices, Rare Earth Magnet prices, Scandium & Yttrium prices, Silica prices, Silicon Metal prices, Silver prices, Sodium Hydroxide prices, Stainless Steel prices, Steel Alloy…

Indium producers: companies and market outlook?

Indium producers

…decision makers to explore. Many are also exposed to metal value chains such as silver and battery recycling, which matter in the energy transition. For each indium producing company in…

Overview of mining equipment companies?

Overview of mining equipment companies

…25-30% in Asia. Another 25-30% is usually associated with the copper industry, 25-30% with the gold-silver industry, and the remainder is diversified (charts below). Direct focus on the energy efficiency…

CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

CO2 intensity of materials

…value chains that truly are CO2 intensive (i.e., emissions are above 20 tons/ton or even 100 tons/ton). This includes PV silicon and silver for solar panels; carbon fiber and rare…

TOPCon: maverick?

TOPCon solar cells

…use than today’s PERC cells. This 13-page note reviews TOPCon cells, which will take some sting out of solar re-inflation, tighten silver bottlenecks and may further entrench China’s solar giants….

Mining: crushing, grinding and comminution costs?

Mining crushing grinding costs

…spanning across the gold, silver, iron, copper and limestone quarrying industries (see the ‘capex’ tab). Our energy intensity estimates are informed by mine disclosures and technical papers, but we have…

How do commodities perform during recessions?

How do commodities perform in recessions?

…in recessions? Commodities assessed in the data-file include oil, natural gas, coal, corn, iron ore (precursor to steel), aluminium, copper, zinc, nickel, platinum, silver and gold. Recessions assessed in the…

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