Palm oil: what CO2 intensity?

CO2 intensity of palm oil

…c20% has been associated with peatland degradation. The purpose of this data-file is to estimate the CO2 intensity of palm oil production, in tons of CO2e per ton of crude…

One hundred years of carbon offsetting?

CO2 uptake per century

…important than establishing new ones. Restoring soil carbon in agriculture is next in our chart. It can absorb 75 tons of CO2 emissions over the course of a century….

Energy storage: top conclusions into batteries?

Conclusions into batteries

…research note on batteries, which we think decision-makers should read it is this one, explaining battery degradation, the best antidotes and their implications (lithium upside?, manufacturer upside?). This matters, because…

Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

Hydrogen best opportunities?

…shift. Conversely, we are not even sure an electrolyser can run off of a volatile renewables input feed without incurring 5-10% pa degradation, or worse (if you read one TSE…

Solid state batteries: will they change the world?

Quantumscape solid state battery costs

…But the industry has been marooned by uncontrollable cell degradation. QuantumScape’s disclosures suggest it is light years ahead. Many of its claims are supported by patents. But costs may remain…

CCS challenges: by any amines necessary?

CCS challenges

…of gases; to prevent degradation, plant corrosion and toxic emissions. This might double real-world CCS costs. But it also creates more opportunity for novel CCS processes, which are rapidly emerging….

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