Search Results for: rare earth

Oklo: fast reactor technology?

…quantities of U-235 naturally fissioning in the Earth’s subsurface, probably because of groundwater acting as a moderator. Oklo plans to commercialize a liquid metal fast reactor, called the Aurora powerhouse,…

Form Energy: long-duration battery breakthrough?

Form Energy battery challenges

…reviewed, we found it more challenging to de-risk Form’s metal-air battery technology, as a means of providing low-cost, long-duration storage using only Earth-abundant materials. Further explanation in the data-file.  …

Copper: the economics?

…cast into anodes for electrochemical refining, yielding copper cathodes with 99.99% purity. Copper cathode is one of the most traded metals on Earth, underpinning the LME copper contract, as pure…

CATL: sodium ion battery breakthrough?

CATL: sodium ion battery

…next-generation lithium extraction technologies. However sodium comprises 2.7% of the Earth’s crust, versus Lithium’s 0.006%. In principle, sodium ion batteries can achieve comparable energy densities than lithium ion batteries, c80-90%…

Solar trackers: efficiency improvements?

solar trackers efficiency improvements

…sun, as it arcs across the sky, and as this arc varies season-by-season, due to the 23.5-degree tilt of the Earth on its axis of rotation. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to…

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