Search Results for: LNG

LNG liquefaction: the economics?

LNG Project Economics

…price, Capex/tpa, Opex/mcf, Utilization, Thermal Efficiency, LNG shipping distance, LNG tanker rates, and liquids cuts. LNG project capex is modeled in detail, built up across 5 x 10 categories, averaging…

LNG transport: shipping economics?

LNG shipping costs

The purpose of this data-file is to model the economics of shipping large cryogenic cargoes, such as LNG carriers or even dual-purpose vessels that can carry both LNG and CO2….

LNG shipping: company screen?

LNG shipping companies

This data-file is a screen of LNG shipping companies, quantifying who has the largest fleet of LNG carriers and the cleanest fleet of LNG carriers (i.e., low CO2 intensity). Many…

The Ascent of Small Scale LNG?

Ascent of Small Scale LNG

Large LNG projects make large headlines. But we are excited by the ascent of smaller-scale LNG. At <1MTpa each, these facilities can be harder to track, which is the objective…

LNG as a Shipping Fuel: the Economics

LNG as a Shipping Fuel

LNG (b) small-scale LNG and (c) LNG bunkering, to supply a relatively fuel-intensive shipping route. After IMO 2020 regulations buoy diesel pricing, it should be economical to fuel newbuild ships…

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