Search Results for: Norway Norwegian

Hybrid horizons: industrial use of batteries?

Hybrid Industrial Uses of Batteries

Gas and diesel engines can be particularly inefficient when idling, or running at 20-30% loads. At these levels, their fuel economy can be impaired by 30-80%. This is the rationale…

CO2 intensity of natural gas value chains?

Gas industry CO2 per barrel

…plus 15-20% lower combustion emissions. Different resources are compared using our methodology. The lowest CO2 profile is seen for well-managed piped gas (e.g., Norway to Europe). Actual data on US…

Johan Sverdrup: Economic Model

economics of Johan Sverdrup oilfield

We have modelled the economics of Equinor’s Johan Sverdrup oilfield, using public disclosures and own estimates. Our model spans >250 lines of inputs and outputs, so you can flex key…

Offshore Capex for Technology Leaders?

offshore capex for technology leaders

Technology leadership determines offshore capex. Specifically, this data-file measures a -88% correlation coefficient between different Major’s offshore patent filings in 2018 and their projects’ capex costs. $199.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to…

Inflow Control: Our Top 20 Papers from 2019

digital technology to optimise horizontal wells

This data-file summarises twenty recent papers using inflow control devices: an exciting digital technology to optimise horizontal wells by limiting production from zones that are susceptible to flowing water or…

Global oil production by country?

Global oil production by country over time in Mbpd, correlates heavily with Brent crude oil prices in $/bbl

Norway (all <0.1Mbpd/year). The volatility of global oil markets is low compared to new energies. Across the 20-year period from 2003-2023, the standard deviation of YoY monthly oil production is…

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