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Search results for: “climate model”

  • Do “digital” completions lift Permian IRRs?

    Do “digital” completions lift Permian IRRs?

    We have modelled the economic uplift of extra digital instrumentation on a typical Permian well. At $50/bbl oil, c$0.4M of extra instrumentation costs, which add 10% to well-productivity, will raise overall NPV by $1M and IRR by 5pp per well.

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  • Re-Frac Economics. How much uplift?

    Re-Frac Economics. How much uplift?

    Re-fracturing Permian and Eagle Ford shale wells holds potential at higher oil prices. Our base case assumes $0.5M NPV/well uplifts, and $45/bbl breakevens. Higher prices and process-enhancements can unlock $2-3M of NPV10/well. Oxy and Devon lead the technical literature.

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  • LNG as a Shipping Fuel: the Economics

    LNG as a Shipping Fuel: the Economics

    This data-file provides line-by-line cost estimates for LNG as a shipping fuel, for trucked LNG, small-scale LNG and bunkered LNG. After IMO 2020 regulations buoy diesel pricing, it should be economical to fuel newbuild ships with small-scale LNG; and in the US it should be economical to convert pre-existing ships to LNG.ย 

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  • Small-Scale LNG liquefaction Costs: New Opportunities?

    Small-Scale LNG liquefaction Costs: New Opportunities?

    Small-scale LNG technologies can be economic at $10/mcf, generating 15% pre-tax IRRs, off $3/mcf input gas. This data-file tabulates the line-by-line costs of typical small-scale LNG technologies (SMRs, N2 expansion). Against this baseline, we model a more cutting-edge technology, which preserves strong economics at c25x smaller scale.

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  • Can super-computers lower decline rates?

    Can super-computers lower decline rates?

    Advanced reservoir modelling can stave off production declines at complex offshore assets. This data-file illustrates how, tabulating production estimates based on a technical paper using Eni’s high-speed computer assets. 60% uplifts in LT production and EUR are achieved.ย 

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  • Dreaming of Electric Frac Fleets?

    Dreaming of Electric Frac Fleets?

    In 2019, the virtues of switching diesel-powered frac fleets to gas-powered electric have been extolled by companies such as EOG, Shell, Baker Hughes, Halliburton, Evolution and US Well Services. The chief benefit is a material cost saving, quantified per well in this data-model, as a function of the frac fleet size, its upgrade costs, its…

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  • CO2-EOR in Shale: the economics

    CO2-EOR in Shale: the economics

    We model the economics for CO2-EOR in shales, after interest in this topic spiked 2.3x YoY in the 2019 technical literature. We see 15% IRRs in our base case, creating $1.6M of incremental value per well, uplifting type curves by 1.75x. Greater upside is readily possible. Most exciting is the prospect for Permian EOR to…

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  • US Shale Gas to Liquids?

    US Shale Gas to Liquids?

    Shell filed 42 distinct new patents around GTL in 2018. This data-file reviews them, showing how the broad array of GTL products confers defensiveness and downstream portfolio benefits. Hence, we have modeled the economics of “replicating” Pearl GTL in Texas. Our base case is a 11% IRR taking in 1.6bcfd of stranded gas from the…

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  • Oil industry CO2 per barrel?

    Oil industry CO2 per barrel?

    We have constructed a simple model to estimate full-cycle CO2 emissions of an oil resource, as a function of its flaring, methane leakage, gravity, sulphur content, production processes and transportation to market. A c10x energy return on energy investment is estimated. Relative advantages are seen for well-managed resources offshore and in shale; relative disadvantages are…

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  • CO2 intensity of natural gas value chains?

    CO2 intensity of natural gas value chains?

    We have constructed a simple model to estimate full-cycle CO2 emissions of a gas resource, as a function of its production efficiency, contaminants (CO2 and H2S), and commercialisation (LNG or pipelines) . Compared with the life-cycle emissions of oil, CO2 per boe is seen to be c0-20% lower for LNG and c50-75% lower for piped…

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