Search Results for: direct air capture

Hydrogen peroxide: production costs?

Hydrogen peroxide production costs

…reduces anthraquinone. The reduced anthraquinone can later be oxidized, in the presence of air, forming both H2O2 and H2O, and regenerating the anthraquinone. The process uses a palladium catalyst. It…

Residential energy consumption over time?

…other hand, new categories of demand, such as air conditioning and other appliances, have more than offset the efficiency improvements in individual devices such as refrigerators. Heating demand for houses…

California power generation over time?

California power generation

…the demand is highly variable, troughing at 15GW in April-2022 and peaking at over 61GW in July-2021. Summer demand is almost 50% higher than winter demand due to air conditioning….

Nafion membranes: costs and hydrogen crossover?

…But anions and gases are impeded. This is even the reason that the SpaceX’s Dragon space probe used Nafion membrane to dehumidify air against a vacuum. Costs of Nafion membranes…

BrightLoop: clean hydrogen breakthrough?

…from a fuel, while also producing a relatively pure stream of CO2, by avoiding the oxidation of the fuel in air (78% nitrogen) and instead circulating solid carrier particles through…

Cummins: diesel engine and generator technology?

…casting off the shadow of a $1.7bn Clean Air Act fine in 2023, for installing defeat devices. Yet we did find clear, specific and detailed patents improving after-treatment systems. Another…

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