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Search results for: “nanotubes "carbon fiber"”

  • Energy transition: top commodities?

    Energy transition: top commodities?

    This data-file summarizes our latest thesis on ten commodities with upside in the energy transition. The average one will see demand rise by 3x and price/cost appreciate or re-inflate by 100%. The data-file contains a 6-10 line summary of our work into each commodity.

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  • CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

    CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

    This data-file tabulates the energy intensity and CO2 intensity of materials, in tons/ton of CO2, kWh/ton of electricity and kWh/ton of total energy use per ton of material. The build-ups are based on 160 economic models that we have constructed to date, and simply intended as a helpful summary reference. Our key conclusions on CO2…

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  • Wind power: energy costs, energy payback and EROEI?

    Wind power: energy costs, energy payback and EROEI?

    This data-file estimates 3MWH of energy is consumed in manufacturing and installing 1kW of offshore wind turbines, the energy payback time is usually around 1-year, and total energy return on energy invested (EROEI) will be above 20x. These estimates are based on bottom-up modelling and top-down technical papers.

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  • Market concentration by industry in the energy transition?

    Market concentration by industry in the energy transition?

    What is the market concentration by industry in energy, mining, materials, semiconductors, capital goods and other sectors that matter in the energy transition? The top five firms tend to control 45% of their respective markets, yielding a โ€˜Herfindahl Hirschman Indexโ€™ (HHI) of 700.

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  • Commodity prices: metals, materials and chemicals?

    Commodity prices: metals, materials and chemicals?

    Annual commodity prices are tabulated in this database for 70 materials commodities; covering steel prices, other metal prices, chemicals prices, polymer prices, all with data going back to 2012. 2022 was a record year for commodities. The average material commodity traded 25% above its 10-year average and 60% of all material commodities made ten-year highs.

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  • Windy physics: how is power of a wind turbine calculated?

    Windy physics: how is power of a wind turbine calculated?

    This data-file is an overview of wind power physics. Specifically, how is the power of a wind turbine calculated, in MW, as a function of wind speed, blade length, blade number, rotational speed (in RPM) and other efficiency factors (lambda). A large, modern offshore wind turbine will have 100m blades and surpass 10MW power outputs.

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  • Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

    Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

    Vehicles transport people and freight around the world, explaining 70% of global oil demand, 30% of global energy use, 20% of global CO2e emissions. This overview summarizes all of our research into vehicles, and key conclusions for the energy transition.

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  • Energy economics: an overview?

    Energy economics: an overview?

    This data-file provides an overview of energy economics, across 175 different economic models constructed by Thunder Said Energy, in order to put numbers in context. This helps to compare marginal costs, capex costs, energy intensity, interest rate sensitivity, and other key parameters that matter in the energy transition.

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  • Verdox: DAC technology breakthrough?

    Verdox: DAC technology breakthrough?

    This data-file reviews Verdox DAC technology, optimizing polyanthraquinones and polynaphthoquinones, then depositing them on porous carbon nano-tube scaffolds. These quinones are shown to selectively adsorb CO2 when a voltage is applied, then desorb them when a reverse voltage is applied, unlocking 70% lower energy penalties than incumbent DAC?

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  • Advanced Conductors: current affairs?

    Advanced Conductors: current affairs?

    Can todayโ€™s 7M circuit kilometers of transmission lines be upgraded to re-lieve power grid bottlenecks, thus avoiding the 10-year ordeal of permitting a new line? Raising voltage may have hidden challenges. But advanced conductors stand out in this 16-page report. And the theme could double carbon fiber demand?

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