Search Results for: semiconductors semiconductor silicon SiC

Perovskites: Lord of Light?

Perovskite Efficiency Gains

Perovskites are the fastest-improving solar innovation. The best test-cells hit a new record of 28% efficiency last year, with line-of-sight to the mid-30s, i.e., 2x more efficient than today’s silicon

Heating-melting: how much energy is needed?

Energy needed to heat materials

…up non-valuable co-associated rocks, which requires 400 kWh/ton to reach an average temperature of 1,350ºC. (8) Silicon stands out for its ridiculously high energy intensity. We think that making solar…

Solar costs: four horsemen?

Could solar costs re-inflate?

…challenges, which could stifle future deflation or even re-inflate solar. Most debilitating would be a re-doubling of CO2-intensive PV-silicon. Our 15-page report explores re-inflation risks for solar developers. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout…

Energy transition: top commodities?

Commodities needed for energy transition

…Earths, Nickel, Oil, Polyurethanes, PV Silicon, Silicon Carbide, Silver, STATCOMs, Steel, Sulphuric Acid, Tin, Uranium, Vanadium. Further details on each commodity can be found by browsing our supply-demand models. Another…

Hydrogen peroxide: production costs?

Hydrogen peroxide production costs

…such as propylene oxide for polyurethane insulation/EVs and for etching semiconductors. Hydrogen peroxide production costs? This data-file estimates the economic costs of producing hydrogen peroxide, at $1,000/ton per ton of…

Thermoelectrics: leading companies and products?

…lower than Thermal Power plants. But these devices also use semiconductors. Hence could their future efficiency improve, matching the recent trends in the solar industry? We aim to answer this…

Bill of materials: electronic devices and data-centers?

…Black 28, Polybutyl Terephthalate, Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate Acrylonitrile, Polycarbonates, Polyimides, Polymers, Polyurethanes, Proprietary, PVC, Silica, Silicon, Silver, Sodium Oxide, Solder, Steel, Styrofoam, Synthetic Rubber, Tantalum, Tin, Titanium, Vinyl Silicone Oil, Zinc….

TOPCon: maverick?

TOPCon solar cells

A new solar cell is vying to re-shape the PV industry, with 2-5% efficiency gains and c25-35% lower silicon use than today’s PERC cells. This 12-page note reviews TOPCon solar…

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