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Search results for: “semiconductors semiconductor silicon SiC”

  • Lithium ion batteries: energy density?

    Lithium ion batteries: energy density?

    Today’s lithium ion batteries have an energy density of 200-300 Wh/kg. I.e., they contain 4kg of material per kWh of energy storage. Technology gains can see lithium ion batteries’ energy densities doubling to 500Wh/kg in the 2030s, trebling to 750 Wh/kg by the 2040s, and the best possible energy densities are around 1,250 Wh/kg. This…

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  • Bill of materials: electronic devices and data-centers?

    Bill of materials: electronic devices and data-centers?

    Electronic devices are changing the world, from portable electronics to AI data centers. Hence what materials are used in electronic devices, as percentage of mass, and in kg/kW terms? This data-file tabualates the bill of materials, for different devices, across different studies.

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  • Thermoelectrics: leading companies and products?

    Thermoelectrics: leading companies and products?

    Thermoelectric devices convert heat directly into electricity, or conversely provide localized cooling/heating by absorbing electricity. This data-file screens leading companies in thermoelectrics, their product specifications, applications and underlying calculations for thermoelectric efficiency.

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  • Cost of North Sea gas: project economics?

    Cost of North Sea gas: project economics?

    Marginal costs of a HPHT project in the UK North Sea are captured via modeling Shell’s 40kboed Jackdaw project, FID’ed in 2022. A $7/mcf marginal cost results mostly from high hurdle rates associated with project complexity. CO2 intensity has been lowered to c14kg/boe, we think.

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  • Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

    Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

    Vehicles transport people and freight around the world, explaining 70% of global oil demand, 30% of global energy use, 20% of global CO2e emissions. This overview summarizes all of our research into vehicles, and key conclusions for the energy transition.

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  • Global vehicle fleet: vehicle sales and electrification by region?

    Global vehicle fleet: vehicle sales and electrification by region?

    We have modeled the global light vehicle fleet, light vehicle sales by region, and the world’s shift from internal combustion engines (ICEs) towards electric vehicles (EVs) through 2050. Our base case model sees almost 200M EV sales by 2050, and a c40% decline to around 1bn combustion vehicles in the world’s fleet by 2050.

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  • Gas distribution: loss rates, leakage, unaccounted gas?

    Gas distribution: loss rates, leakage, unaccounted gas?

    1-4% of all the gas that flows into downstream gas distribution networks may fail to be metered and monetized. Stated leakage rates are usually around 0.5%, but could be higher. This data-file aggregates data from Eurostat and the UK’s Joint Office of Gas Transporters.

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  • Lithium ion battery volumes by chemistry and use?

    Lithium ion battery volumes by chemistry and use?

    The lithium ion battery market reached 900GWH in 2023, representing 7x growth in the past half-decade since 2018, and 20x growth in the past decade since 2013. Volumes treble again by 2030. This data-file breaks down global ithium ion battery volumes by chemistry and be end use. A remarkable shift to LFP is underway, and…

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  • Industrial gases: air separation units?

    Industrial gases: air separation units?

    Cryogenic air separation is used to produce 400MTpa of oxygen, plus pure nitrogen and argon; for steel, metals, ammonia, wind-solar inputs, semiconductor, blue hydrogen and Allam cycle oxy-combustion. Hence this 16-page report is an overview of industrial gases. How does air separation work? What costs, energy use and CO2 intensity? Who benefits amidst the energy…

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  • Manufacturing methods: an overview?

    Manufacturing methods: an overview?

    An of overview of manufacturing methods is given in this data-file. Costs are 70% correlated with energy intensity, ranging from well below 0.3 MWH/ton to well above 7MWH/ton. The lowest cost techniques take place at huge throughput in the mining industry, while the most intricate are used in semiconductor.

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