…of industries across energy, metals, materials, semiconductors and capital goods sectors? The Herfindahl Hirschman Index and top five market share are on page 4. Do more concentrated industries generate higher…
…takes 120-seconds, via a 100bpm slurry rate carrying 2.7ppg of sand. PropX has undertaken successful trials placing the sand containers on a vibration table, with a sloped discharge cone, silicon-inserts…
…to the Siemens Process, used to make 92% of the world’s PV silicon in 2021. Energy intensity is middling. Electricity comprises 30% of the total marginal cost, and c45% of…
…trackers in 2023, mostly single-axis horizontal systems. It is a rare part of the solar supply chain, that is not dominated by Chinese suppliers – unlike PV silicon, or PV…
…the West, while cash manufacturing costs are c60-75% lower again, which is relevant amidst China’s history of overbuilding capacity in other value chains such as solar and PV silicon. We…
…data-file. And we can also guess at the composition of E3X ceramic coatings, which interestingly, will pull on demand for silicon carbide? Full details are available in this data-file, while…
…increasingly also the back too (in TOPCon and HJT cells), forming the electrical contacts with the underlying silicon substrate. Can any companies have an edge? We reviewed 15 patents from…
…more materials becomes harder. Unfortunately solar panels do not grow on trees. Building more solar requires building more PV silicon, or silver, or copper production facilities. These are also capital…
…switch away from incumbent lithium ion battery chemistries, to more novel and more energy dense battery chemistries (see below) such as solid state batteries, silicon anode batteries or sodium-ion batteries….
…contact fingers (0.5-1%), resistance in the emitter (1.5-2.5%) and resistance due to shading of the silicon by fingers and busbars (2-3%). This data-file allows stress-testing of different impacts on solar…