Search Results for: shale

Ethylene vinyl acetate: production costs?

Ethylene vinyl acetate production costs

…under-investment in conventional energy or in US shale. The larger “pull” on prices is likely to come from the rapid scale-up of solar. The EVA market is relatively small, around…

CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

CO2 intensity of materials

…useful, we are guilty of simplifying and averaging quite complex and broad-ranging industries. More detail is available on different oil value chains (including oil sands and Permian shale in detail),…

Energy Recovery Inc: pressure exchanger technology?

pressure exchanger

…historically. However new markets are emerging, from cryogenic cycles through to applications focused on shale (although the latter requires avoiding the corrosive impacts of sand and debris in fluid streams)….

Origen Carbon: DAC breakthrough?

Origen DAC technology

…particularly interesting patent adapts the process to oil shale that contains over c20% organic material and over c30% carbonate. It is noted that oxy-fired combustion of this low-grade resource could…

Energy transition from first principles?

…transformers, transistors, harmonic filters, capacitors, reactive power. The new age of volatility due to renewables, geopolitics, politics, policies. Latest views on global energy, solar innovation, wind recalibration, nuclear, grid bottlenecks, shale and how AI…

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