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Search results for: “shale”

  • Development Concepts: how much CO2?

    Development Concepts: how much CO2?

    We tabulate c25 oil projects, breaking down the total tons of steel and concrete used in their topsides, jackets, hulls, wells, SURF and pipelines.ย Infill wells, tiebacks and FPSOs make the most CO2-efficient use of construction materials per barrel of production, helping to minimise emissions. Fixed leg platforms are higher CO2, then gravity based structures, then…

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  • Oil industry CO2 per barrel?

    Oil industry CO2 per barrel?

    We have constructed a simple model to estimate full-cycle CO2 emissions of an oil resource, as a function of its flaring, methane leakage, gravity, sulphur content, production processes and transportation to market. A c10x energy return on energy investment is estimated. Relative advantages are seen for well-managed resources offshore and in shale; relative disadvantages are…

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  • Methane emissions from pneumatic devices: by operator, by basin?

    Methane emissions from pneumatic devices: by operator, by basin?

    Methane leaks from 1M pneumatic devices across the US onshore oil and gas industry comprise 50% of all US upstream methane leaks and 20% of upstream CO2. This file aggregates the data. Rankings reveal operators with a pressing priority to replace >100,000 medium and high bleed devices, and other best-in-class companies.

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  • Machine Learning to Optimise Rod Pumps

    Machine Learning to Optimise Rod Pumps

    This data-file summarises progress using machine learning to maximise production from mature wells, by detecting errors and optimising production. There is potential to lower global decline rates by c100kbpd per annum for over a decade, and increase each well’s NPV by $0.1M.

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  • Screen of companies detecting methane leaks?

    Screen of companies detecting methane leaks?

    This data-file screens the methods available to monitor for methane emissions. Notes and metrics are tabulated. Emerging methods, such as drones and trucks are also scored, based on technical trials. The best drones can now detect almost all methane leaks >90% faster than traditional methods. c34 companies at the cutting edge are screened.

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  • SPE Papers about Conventional vs Unconventional Reservoirs

    SPE Papers about Conventional vs Unconventional Reservoirs

    This data-file estimates the number of SPE papers that have been published about conventional and unconventional reservoir engineering in the SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering Technical journal, each year since 2007. 2018 was the first year where unconventional papers eclipsed conventional.

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  • Do “digital” completions lift Permian IRRs?

    Do “digital” completions lift Permian IRRs?

    We have modelled the economic uplift of extra digital instrumentation on a typical Permian well. At $50/bbl oil, c$0.4M of extra instrumentation costs, which add 10% to well-productivity, will raise overall NPV by $1M and IRR by 5pp per well.

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  • Development capex: long-term spending from Oil Majors?

    Development capex: long-term spending from Oil Majors?

    This data-file tabulates the five ‘Big Oil’ Super-Majors’ development capex from the mid-1990s, in headline terms (billions of dollars) and in per-barrel terms ($/boe of production). Real development spending quadrupled from $6/boe in 1995-2000 to $24/boe in 2010-15, and has since collapsed to $10/boe. So one cannot help wondering about another cycle?

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  • Cost of North Sea gas: project economics?

    Cost of North Sea gas: project economics?

    Marginal costs of a HPHT project in the UK North Sea are captured via modeling Shell’s 40kboed Jackdaw project, FID’ed in 2022. A $7/mcf marginal cost results mostly from high hurdle rates associated with project complexity. CO2 intensity has been lowered to c14kg/boe, we think.

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  • CH4 context: the largest methane leaks of all time?

    CH4 context: the largest methane leaks of all time?

    Global methane emissions run to 360MTpa. 40% is agriculture, 40% is the energy industry and 20% is landfills. Within energy, over 30% of the leaks are from coal, 30% are from oil, 27% are from gas. This short note quantifies some of the largest methane leaks of all time, and provides context for the recent…

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