Search Results for: shale

Flare gas capture: the economics?

flare gas capture

…the gas, cleaning the gas, and compressing the gas into a regional pipeline. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Generally, double-digit returns are achievable at a large new shale pad, by…

Oil: what happens when you defer or curtail production?

impacts of deferring production at oil and gas fields

…but generally we expect shut-ins and deferrals during the 2020 COVID crisis will lower effective production capacity. The Winners. Generally, super-giant Middle East carbonate reservoirs and recently completed shale wells…

Oil markets: in the balance? (1Q21)

Oil market outlook to 2025

…output. Out to 2025, $60-70/bbl oil should suffice to balance oil markets, while higher prices could draw in 3Mbpd more shale and 1Mbpd more Saudi oil, plus a buffer of…

Oil markets: more balanced than ever before?

Outlook for oil

…+1.6Mbpd pa of shale growth. But generally we expect greater under-supply ahead in other commodities linked to the energy transition. The full modelling behind this 4-page note is available here….

CH4 context: the largest methane leaks of all time?

largest methane leaks of all time

…pure environmental downside. At least coal mines produce coal. Second, there are companies working hard to lower their methane emissions, especially in US shale. For example, they are replacing the…

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