Search Results for: fertilizer

Screen of Large Public Fertilizer Companies

public fertilizer companies

This data-file screens the large, listed fertilizer companies, comparing their CO2 intensity, ROACE, cash flow and recent patent filings. The industry could be disrupted by the rise of conservation agriculture,…

Farming carbon into soils: a case study?

Conservation agriculture

…have been able to cut their fertilizer usage by 50-100% (screen also below). Selling carbon credits from agriculture: a case study? Another recent episode on the Business of…

Restoring soil carbon: the economics?

economics of restoring soil carbon

…marginal to material, as yields improve 10-20% and costs fall 36-73%, including the potential elimination of fertilizer application. Please download the model to stress-test input assumptions into corn prices, fertilizer

Sulphur recovery units: Claus process economics?

Sulphur recovery unit economics

…but also in the production of sulphuric acid for phosphate fertilizer and metals/materials production. $449.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Cash costs are likely to be in a range of $40-60/ton….

Urea production: the economics

economics of producing urea

This data-file captures the economics of producing urea, an important fertilizer and intermediate for the materials industry. $449.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart We estimate a marginal cost of $325/ton, with…

Phosphoric acid production costs?

…80-90% is used in the fertilizer industry, often in the form of ammonium phosphate, for which 40-50% concentrations are sufficient. High-grade phosphoric acid is also used in the food and…

CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

CO2 intensity of materials

…the data-file. We have estimated separately the CO2 intensity of different wood fuels, crop production, how it varies with fertilizer application, palm oil. All of our biofuels research is here….

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