Search Results for: fertilizer

Blue ammonia: options strategy?

Blue ammonia

Blue ammonia can economically decarbonize the fertilizer industry, using low-cost natural gas; with options to decarbonize combustion fuels in the future. This report covers where we see the best opportunities,…

CO2 offsets: Pachama’s AI platform?

Pachama CO2 offset review

…of the entire global fertilizer industry per our CO2 breakdown. This raises some question marks. It gets a bit philosophical, but in our view, carbon “offsetting” should be about cancelling…

Global hydrogen: market breakdown?

global hydrogen market by industry in MTpa

…industry uses one-third of the world’s hydrogen today, at 0.19 kg per kg of NH3. But our models suggest fertilizer prices could rise 3.5x with a switch to green H2. This raises the…

Ammonia: production costs and energy economics?

Ammonia production costs

…intensity. This matters as fertilizer production thus explains over 1% of global CO2 emissions. $899.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Ammonia production via the Haber-Bosch process was first demonstrated at scale…

Our Top Ten Research Notes of 2020

top research notes of 2020

…offset another 3-15GTpa of CO2. With a $30/ton CO2 price, mid-Western farmers could make more money farming carbon than corn. The theme would also disrupt the global fertilizer industry.…

Biogas: the economics?

…and the value of residual digestate, which can be used as fertilizer or bedding in agriculture. Our base case biogas cost model sees a 10% IRR from a combination of…

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