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Nickel mining companies overview

Global nickel production by company?

This data-file captures the 2.4MTpa nickel market, broken down facility by facility, producer-by-producer.

25 companies dominate the world’s nickel production, although the supply chain is heavily split between battery-grade materials, nickel sulphates, Class I metals, and lower-grade products such as matte, ferro-nickels, intermediates and NPI.

Each company is summarized, according to its size, supply chain position, cash flow, concentration in nickel, and underlying asset exposure.

CO2 intensity varies by a very wide 10x margin, from sub-10 tons/ton nickel to 100 tons/ton.

The global nickel marketย will grow from $30bn pa to $300bn pa as part of the energy transition, including a 5x increase in volumes and 2x increase in prices, as per our 15-page overview of nickel opportunities in the energy transition.

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