Pressure ratings: industrial and energy processes?

Pressures of industrial and energy processes

…around 4,000 atmospheres (at which point structural steel fails, per our overview of materials properties). We all have experience with 1 atmosphere of pressure (1 bar), simply by existing in…

Hydro electric power: the economics?

costs of hydro electric power project

…nil, even after reflecting the embedded energy of concrete, steel and construction. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart A typical hydro project requires a 10c/kWh power price and a $50/ton CO2…

Russia: a breakdown of export revenues?

Russia's export revenues

This data-file breaks down Russia’s export revenues, import country by import country, looking across oil, gas, coal, steel, aluminium, copper, gold, aluminium, ammonia, agricultural products, other metals, materials and manufactured…

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