Global electricity prices vs. CO2 intensities?

electricity prices vs CO2

…between electricity prices vs CO2 intensities in different countries globally. $299.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Electricity Prices and CO2 Intensity Data Retail electricity prices average 11c/kWh globally, across 28,500 TWH…

California electricity prices by hour?

California electricity prices

prices are 40% higher than day-time prices. This data-file quantifies California electricity prices, on a wholesale basis, at a sample of grid nodes, looking hour by hour in August-2023. $299.00 – Purchase…

Our Top Ten Research Notes of 2020

top research notes of 2020

…incumbent energy companies is thus suggested in our research note below. We argue that Energy Majors embracing these principles can uplift their valuations by c50% (assuming flat commodity prices).…

Jevons Paradox: what evidence for energy savings?

…more prevalent than we expected. Efficiency gains underpin 25% of our roadmap to net zero. To be effective, commodity prices must also rise and remain high, otherwise rebound effects will…

Global gas prices: by country?

…interquartile range of $2-6/mcf, or in other words, a period of exceptionally low and stable gas prices. Conversely, 2021-22 saw gas prices rise, but most of all, it is the…

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