Growing economies: reforest and reinvest?

clean economic development

…double these countries’ investment rates. Reinvesting in wind, solar, electrification avoids higher carbon fuels and deforestation for firewood. Reinvesting in timber value chains maximizes CO2 permanence and value. This 13-page…

Reforestation: what planting density for seedlings?

planting density for reforestation projects

…wood-based fuel or lower-value sawlogs. However less dense stands may favor longer growing cycles, to produce high value timber, locking carbon away in long-lived construction materials. Planting density depends on…

Cement costs and energy economics?

Cement costs and energy economics

…and CO2 is lower down the priority list.  We have also screened technologies aimed at decarbonizing cement and concrete, such as Solidia, CarbonCure, or thinking laterally, substitution towards timber products….

Global steel supply-demand model?

Global steel demand

…lighter-weight materials, especially to reduce the weight of passenger vehicles, displacing steel with aluminium, glass fiber, carbon fiber, mass timber, advanced polymers. Indeed, steel demand could exceed 4GTpa by 2050,…

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