Midstream opportunities in the energy transition?

…in the global energy industry, due to the inherent volatility of solar and wind. Rising volatility increases the value of midstream infrastructure, which by definition, can arbitrage the volatility by…

Road costs: economic model?

…models, as building any new piece of infrastructure requires access to that infrastructure, whether it is a wind farm, solar project, power transmission line or any other industrial facility. Our…

Why the Thunder Said?

This 8-page report outlines the ‘four goals’ of Thunder Said Energy; and how we hope we can help your process……

Why the Thunder Said?

Perovskite Efficiency Gains

Energy transition is underway. Or more specifically, five energy transitions are underway at the same time. They include the rise of renewables, shale oil, digital technologies, environmental improvements and new…

Oil Companies Drive the Energy Transition?

Disrupt Agriculture Energy Opportunities

There is only one way to decarbonise the energy system: leading companies must find economic opportunities in better technologies. No other route can source sufficient capital to re-shape such a…

Round Trip Battery Efficiencies

Battery efficiencies

This data-file derives the ‘net round trip efficiency’ of nine different battery solutions for storing energy. Rough costs are also estimated. Net round trip efficiency is calculated as the energy…

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