Wind and solar capacity additions?

…which matters for solar module manufacturers and along the solar supply chain. Our numbers can be stress-tested in the ‘SolarShareForecasts’ tab. Total new wind capacity growth is seen accelerating more…

Solar power: the economics?

Utility-scale solar project economics c/kWh

…gensets and geothermal. Our outlook for solar in the energy transition hinges on the levelized costs of solar. We think solar will rise from 5% of the global grid in…

First Solar: thin film solar breakthrough?

First Solar technology review

First Solar is a solar module manufacturer, listed in the US, founded in 1999, employing 6,400 people. It has capacity to manufacture 8GW of solar panels per year, using CdTe…

Solar: energy payback and embedded energy?

Energy payback of solar

…(in kWh/kW). Our base case estimate is 2.5 MWH/kWe of solar. The average energy payback of solar is 1.5-years. Numbers and sensitivities can be stress-tested in the data-file. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout…

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