Search Results for: biodiverse biodiversity

Biodiversity: impacts on forest CO2?

Forest carbon correlation with biodiversity

…global meta-studies is that biodiverse forests take up 15-25% more CO2 than mono-culture counterparts. The best studies found that highly biodiverse restoration projects can take up 50-70% more CO2, which…

Biodiversity: a breakdown of species and carbon stocks?

breakdown of species

…In nature-based solutions to climate change, debatably, it is biodiversity across 1,500 large mammal species that is most prized; followed more broadly, by bio-diversity across c6,000 total mammals, 13,000 birds,…

Nature based solutions to climate change?

…there must be no doubt that the project is real, incremental (CO2 removals not avoidance credits), its CO2 must be correctly measured, it should enhance biodiversity (which can even boost…

CO2 removals: teak plantations, Nicaragua?

Nicaragua reforestation case study

…exploring whether this Nicaragua reforestation case study can be considered ‘permanent’ (yes and no!), ‘biodiverse‘ or ‘nature positive’. So are the key numbers from our review. We have made a…

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