Search Results for: climate model

Tree seedlings: costs and economics?

Costs of tree seedlings

…warmer climates, have a typical cost of 7c/seedling. Conversely, in colder climates, seedlings maybe grown in containers, in heated greenhouses, which also has the advantage of permitting earlier growing and…

Verbio: bio-energy technology review?

Verbio technology review

…be the focus for new investment in the company’s EUR 300M capex plans. Is there value in bio-energy technology? We see persistent shortages of hydrocarbons in the 2020s (model here)….

Gas turbines: operating parameters?

Gas turbine operating parameters

…note that our model of a gas-fired power plant assumes total capex of $850/kW. In other words, total installed capital costs are typically around 4x larger than the turbine itself….

Blue steel: construction boom?

DRI+EAF steel

…of CO2 per ton of finished steel (model here) (page 5). Technological maturity is another factor. DRI+EAF is an alternate steel-making pathway, which already underpins 120MTpa of global steel production….

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