Search Results for: direct air capture

Formaldehyde production: the economics?

Formaldehyde production economics

Formaldehyde production costs. This data-file captures the full-cycle economics of formaldehyde production, which is one of the ‘top 50’ commodity chemicals globally. $399.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Formaldehyde is used…

Fuel retail: economics of a petrol station?

Economics of fuel retail

This data-file captures fuel retail economics covering the costs and margins of a typical fuel-retailing petrol station to earn a 10% unlevered IRR, based on data from companies in the…

Wind and solar: cost of grid interconnection?

Grid connection costs and times for thermal, wind, and solar generation plants depending on the year they entered service. Costs and times have steadily increased, especially for wind and solar.

…25% of the cost is direct cost, while 75% is the requirement to fund network upgrades, per our note here. The cost of grid interconnection has increased substantially over time….

Steel production: costs and energy economics?

Economics steel production blast furnace

This data-file captures steel production costs and CO2 intensities in an integrated blast furnace and basic oxygen furnace steelworks, as underpins 70% of today’s 2GTpa global steel output. Our base…

Neodymium market: our top ten facts?

neodymium market

…MW of capacity (some direct-drive generator designs use 600kg/MW). These have been crucial themes in our recent research, as cost-inflation and bottlenecks need to be avoided (see below).…

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